Juno Player




Monday, January 28, 2013

Passive income

Income.  We all need it to survive.  The problem is what you do for your income.  I live in the Ghetto.  In the Ghetto all businesses have bars and bullet proof glass.  When a business closes for the day there is a procedure it follows to survive to the next day.  Now if you in the front lines of what is known as the POS (Point of Sale) you have many things you do to ensure you can open the next day.  Everything of value has to be put behind a barrier and protected from people that would rather shoplift than support your business.  If you have employees you have to watch them too.  Some businesses like Barber Shops have the added perk of being targets for robbery because they deal strictly in cash.  Then there are the people who try to sell you stuff they've stolen from other businesses.  It's all very sordid.

As a DJ you have several hustles.  There is DJ'ing the party.  This is always a risk because you are bringing thousands of dollars of equipment with you.  Most theft is done in the form of a few records here and there or a cord or two.

Wedding DJ's are worse.  No matter what formula you have for a successful gig, you will always have a drunk relative that feels the need to MC, a demanding bride that gives you a list of music she DOESN'T want to hear and a group of people that will always request music that you wish was never written.  for me that is ANY slide.  I hate weddings.

Getting a residency at a club is better but you still have the other DJ's to worry about.  They WILL steal your music given the chance.  When you work this way you also have to worry about not getting paid.  You are the lowest employee in the club.  The owner will pay the bouncers, bartenders and even the guy that sits in the bathroom before he pays the DJ.  He feels that he can ALWAYS replace a DJ.

Then there is selling mixes.  As a DJ you are trying to sell your best sets.  You figure youput that set together better than anyone else could have and you have fans that feel the same.  Sometimes these same fans bring these CD's to parties with them and try to get the DJ present to play them.  Oh, joy.

If you get good at the party mix you can put those CD's in stores.  It is not easy work and you always have to worry about the idiot that tries to undercut you.  There is ALWAYS an idiot trying to undercut you whether it's at a party or selling your mixes.  Even if you become successful with your mixes and you go to collect your money the owner of the shop will always hit you with the fact that some other idiot is selling his mixes for less and you should do the same (see DJ Apollo for the reference).  The whole life of a DJ is very cutthroat.  Still it's is better than having to clock in for some faceless corporation that feels it should replace you every 6 months.

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Drugs and music

Dallas Police trying to find "Molly"

I love House music.  I love EDM.  I'm not a fan of drugs.  I really wish that the drug dealers would have left the EDM world alone.  The music is my drug.  With that being said, the reason we can't have raves anymore is because someone decided to sell drugs at them.  If it was just about the music then we would have them to this day.

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

This one is for Jennifer...

So I was on my Book of the Faces page and I was ranting as usual.  That seems to be what I do most when I'm not outside trying to hobnob with people I don't really want to know.  I made a comment about how I don't miss having to be "work polite"  anymore and a friend of mine from the great state of Tennessee asked me why I do not have a blog.  Well.  I guess I need to start one and rant on that.  Wait.....what?

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Random post for the ladies.

Ladies. You know when you are talking to a guy and you try to cover your chest because you think we are looking at your tits? The very fact that you try to cover them brings our attention to your tits and makes us look at them.

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Monday, January 21, 2013

When a joke goes nuts...

So I'm on the Book of the Faces and I decide that I am bored and I'm going on a troll spree.  I am immediately called out by a young lady saying that true trolls don't announce that they are going to troll.  The just troll.  Well, being the complete asshole that I am I decide that I'm not going to allow this young lady to call me out so blatantly and that she does not know the meaning of trolling.  She Mz.immediately "like bombs" my profile.  What?!?!  This transgression cannot go unanswered!  Honor demands immediate response!  I decide to hit her in her soft spot.  Nooooooo, not THAT soft spot.  Her love of roller skating.
So I make a fake track and use one of her photos depicting a skate session.  I name the track "Don't break my leg (I can't skate)" and post it on Soundcloud.com announcing that she is my latest new artist.  Well, she loves it and promotes it better than the REAL artists I have on the label!  WTF!  If the guys I have on the label had that type of enthusiasm I would have the hottest label in Chicago!  Anyway, here is the song.  Thanks to Mz. DJ Tone for being a good sport.

P.S. More recently Mz. DJ Tone did a "mashup" that was fairly decent for a newbie.  I contacted her to let her know there was an outlet that would allow her to put the mashup out legally and get her name out there.  her response was "I do it for the love of the game."  I used to do that, too.  That is until I found out that DJing is a very expensive hobby and that if you wanted to do it for any length of time you have to find ways to fund it.  It's almost like having a drug habit.  After a while you have to start pawning shit off to keep doing it.


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Sunday, January 20, 2013

The problem with free shit...

So when I came back to Chicago I had a little problem.  I had to leave a significant amount of my music in order to move.  It was something I had no control over.

When I got back I had a  lot of resources due to my position within the House community.  I was not expecting that but why look a gift horse in  the mouth?  Therein lies the rub.  I got like 10,000 songs but most of them are mislabeled.  I don't really know what I have.  Do you know how long it takes to listen to 10,000 songs and correctly name them?  I do.

I was finally able to make a song list for this mix.  It's a good mix and you can get it here.

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