Juno Player




Monday, April 28, 2014

One time for the crew

Follow deejayflint on Twitter

Update: Last night I came out of DJ retirement and I jacked so hard on and off the turntables that I broke my glasses. I also fell in love three times and got crushed twice with a potential third time on the horizon. I had the wrong cord for my hard drive but I made it work until DJ Roc moved the computer and all music stopped instantly. King Farley Jackmaster Funk and DeejayDeeon Boyd posed for an epic photo. I don't drink but I had plenty of water. April DiscoGoddess bought me a beer and I was thankful although I don't drink. Greedy Brisco got me there and Clenton DjClent Hill got my home (HSE in effect!). We had a moment of silence for Rashad Teklife. Overall, I had a great time although I'm sore as hell today and can't see worth a shit. Good times.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Corky Strong - Wave

This is from my label, Halsted Street Entertainment.  You can get it on Beatport

Corky Strong - Wave

This is from my label, Halsted Street Entertainment.  You can get it on Beatport

Friday, April 04, 2014

House music loses a legend

Recently House music legend Frankie Knuckles passed away.  I did not know the man personally but his influence and loss has been felt throughout the industry.  What is really crazy is that, with his death, all types of people are trying to throw parties in his name.  Now don't get my wrong.  I'm all for a good party but it seems more opportunistic than honoring this man to me and I'm not the only person that thinks this way.  Facebook has been all ablaze with opinions debating all positions of this issue.  Some are for it and some against.  The only valid point in my opinion is why not have just one party where all the people can come together as one.   Why is this not the only solution?  Because it is not about honoring this man's memory, the movement and culture at all.  It's an opportunity by a few individuals to make money off the death of a person that  they may or may not have even known personally.  So how did they come to this decision?  Was it like "Hey did you hear that Frankie Knuckles died?  Let's throw a party in his honor!"?  I find it very strange that so many parties have popped up all of a sudden.  One person even went as far as invoking the name of another House legend to honor as well in the form of a Frankie Knuckles/Ron Hardy tribute.  Well here is the thing with me.  If you want to truly have this celebration then make it free to the public.  If you are truly broken up about his death then come out of your pocket for this tribute.  If that task is too overwhelming get with the other people throwing their parties and split the bill, hold just one party in one spot and let's all come together as a whole and celebrate this man's life's work without trying to make a profit off his demise.  I will probably take a lot of flack off this but that is just my opinion on the matter.