Juno Player




Monday, April 28, 2014

One time for the crew

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Update: Last night I came out of DJ retirement and I jacked so hard on and off the turntables that I broke my glasses. I also fell in love three times and got crushed twice with a potential third time on the horizon. I had the wrong cord for my hard drive but I made it work until DJ Roc moved the computer and all music stopped instantly. King Farley Jackmaster Funk and DeejayDeeon Boyd posed for an epic photo. I don't drink but I had plenty of water. April DiscoGoddess bought me a beer and I was thankful although I don't drink. Greedy Brisco got me there and Clenton DjClent Hill got my home (HSE in effect!). We had a moment of silence for Rashad Teklife. Overall, I had a great time although I'm sore as hell today and can't see worth a shit. Good times.

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